West Lanc’s Mark Masons Social Evening on Zoom
27th Feb 2021. 7.30 PM
Well, we all looked forward to this event, something different to bring us closer together after all the months of lockdown, I will say right from the start it was a great success, everyone seemed to be laid back and having a drink or two or in some cases three.
The event was organised by Giles Berkley, AsstPGM, along with help from our PGM Keith and using our DepPGM Geoff Lee’s Zoom Account, (it’s a big one) what a great trio.
Compere and storyteller for the evening was David Anderton, done in great style he held all the proceedings together, you could see he has done it many times before, a job well done. Some interesting backdrops were on show, a surfer’s beach, the Pyramids, the Jungle Room at Graceland’s and then there was my backdrop showing part of my music studio, which Linda says is really a room full of junk.!! I ask you.
Providing us with a first-class quiz was Carmen and Ian Watson, apparently Carmen does all the work compiling the questions, (are we surprised, no). Unfortunately, Linda and I didn’t do very well except in the music section, in fact there was one question with a big word which I didn’t even understand never mind what the answer was. Congratulations on an excellent quiz enjoyed by all, there was a real nice bottle of Champagne for the winner’s Stuart and Lesly Boyd donated by June and Keith.
A few songs were provided by the international singer Austin and next time as he did so well Giles said he could perhaps even do four songs!!  
All in all, for a first attempt I really believe it was a great success at bringing us all together, the Ladies seemed very comfortable having a chin wag and I’m sure all the members of this the Happy Degree were pleased to see all their friends in a relaxed atmosphere.
It was a trip into the unknown for us all and we had people online from as far away as Holmfirth and County Durham, to look in on our number one West Lanc’s Mark, thanks to everyone for joining in and making it a success, we all had a safe trip home and here’s to us all meeting again soon.
You all know my Motto, here’s to meeting my old friends and those I have yet to meet,
Stay Safe.
Austin N Fletcher.   PGStwd. 
Flixton Shepherd Eastwood. No.1173